You’ll make your movies, and you will do your art. And you’ll remember how it hurts. […] Art will give you crowns in heaven and laurels on Earth. But it’ll tear your heart out and leave you lonely. You’ll be a shanda for your loved ones. An exile in the desert. A gypsy. Art is no game. Art is dangerous as a lion’s mouth. It’ll bite your head off.
Nowadays, it seems everyone craves security and a peaceful life. But I wonder if that’s really best. Saint-Exupéry’s “Wind, Sand and Stars” really inspired me. He made me wonder whether a peaceful life is all there is.
The truth of life isn’t a just, shiny beacon. It’s messy and comprised of a great many things. I’m at a point in my life where I have to create works that draw on things that are hidden deep inside me.
Amor fati(其實與下方這點異曲同工,視為無法改變的客觀命運而接受)
聊聊《兄弟》!余华最喜欢哪本书?(精神內耗 = 尋找出口;精神內耗 = 熱力學第二定律;「對於不能改變的,請給我力量讓我去接受;對於可以改變的,給我勇氣讓我能夠改變;但更重要的是,要讓我們能夠擁有這種智慧,去區分剛才兩者的不同。」)