She’s right. They’re destroying the environment, and no on reacts. I don’t, either. And yet ecology fascinates me. And biology? I’m going to be graduating and don’t know what to do. I’m keen on everything. How much longer will I hesitate? Am I perhaps afraid of failing? Will I procrastinate much longer? Maybe anthropology... The Indians have always interested me. They lived here 4000 years ago. How did they manage? They survived everything except the invasion of the white man. And if I studied history? To understand the past. Papa says there’s not just one road. He went from geology to comics. That doesn’t mean anything! I should write. Pablo’s right. Whoever isn’t creative is spineless. He knows what he wants. To be a musician and composer.
Papa says, when you make a decision, your whole life changes to fit into your scheme of things. Like a journey full of stops, detours, errors, setbacks, where you seek yourself to have a new and better start.