Why the camera? I’m retired now.
- That song Let It Go is popular now. It’s all about being yourself. But that’s terrible. Self-satisfied people are boring. We have to push hard and surpass ourselves.
- 吉卜力创立和存在就是实现宫崎骏和高畑勋自己做动画的理想,所以他们退休或离世后,吉卜力团队就解散了,铃木敏夫坦率地说出这点,佩服!
- 宫崎骏:我「吃掉了」团队的其他所有人
I’ll use CGI to make a short film
Forward, always forward
- 每天面对衰老的身体,有时还要面对朋友的离世
- 年轻人的新鲜活力
Hayao absorbs youthful energy
- 新创作带来活力
- CGI 只是动画的一种工具,动画的灵魂独立于工具
- 手工画画更加可控、细腻,对每个细节的关注
I set this battle up myself
- 达不到要求,尝试学习新工具自己修改
- Once a film’s been completed, it’s crucial that I don’t feel ashamed of it. I never want to regret not trying something. It’s better to try and fail. I believe that. I really do.
- My films show the world’s beauty. Beauty otherwise unnoticed. That’s what I want to see.
If you were to make a film now, what would it be?
- 机器学习作画,不断接触最新的技术
- 不制作恐怖的事物